Bionic Mobin

Design and manufacturing of laboratory equipment



استریو تاکس

stereo taxic

The stereotaxic instrument is a three dimensional coordinate system for introducing electrodes ,micropipettes and injection into brain cells according to the coordination of stereotaxic atlas.

The stereotaxic instrument has 3 arms, X, Y, Z. Each arm is equipped with accurate and graded Vernier screws. After fixing the head of the animal we place tip of the needle on bregma and lambda and write down the coordination of the arms.

using Paxinos and Watson rat brain atlas in order to find injection coordination , perforate the skull with micro drill and inject.

Rat brain atlas of paxinus and watson

Ear bars are for fixing rat’s head. They are on the 2 sides of ear canal and keep the animal’s head horizontally. Animal’s blinking helps to ensure correct loading of the ear bars.

Capabilities of stereotaxic instrument

Movement of arms in X, Y, Z axis.

Fixing animal’s by ear bars and nose cramps

Arms equipped with ball bearing rails without corrosion and smooth move.

Adjustable with a precision of 0.1 mm

Equipped with Vernier screws with high accuracy and anti-wear

The ability to change angle of the main axis around x and y axis

Regulating arms automatically around 3 axes.

special models with certain capabilities for all laboratory animals would be built

The Effects of Shilajit on Brain Edema, Intracranial Pressure and Neurologic Outcomes following the Traumatic Brain Injury in Rat


















آخرین به‌روز رسانی: مرداد ۲, ۱۳۹۸

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