Bionic Mobin

Design and manufacturing of laboratory equipment


Shuttle Box


Shuttle Box

Shuttle box is an apparatus used in testing animal’s active conditional reactions and inactive conditional reactions. This device has two compartments with sliding doors which are covered with steel bars. There’s also a sliding door between two compartments. Shock is applied from the bottom. Lighting system installed on the side wall.

With the use of passive avoidance and active avoidance tests adjusted shock is transmitted to soles and tail of the rat through the floor bars and physical stimulus of pain is applied.

With a use of lighting system before or during the shock light can be applied as visual stimulus to the rat.

By measuring delay time of passing or even passing or not passing of rat from shock chamber to safe compartment meaningful results from memory and learning can be obtained.

Equipped with a digital display

exposure and shock time setting

separator door for left and right compartments

steel bottom bars

voltage and shock frequency setting

light intensity setting

several trials programmability

Can be made in different transparent and black models




آخرین به‌روز رسانی: مرداد ۲, ۱۳۹۸

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