Bionic Mobin

Design and manufacturing of laboratory equipment


Laboratory Treadmill



Animal treadmill is a device for conducting sports and endurance tests.

This device provides smooth direction for the animal movement. When rat placed in the lines of the device sports and endurance tests can be conducted. Full-Touch Monitoring System would help the researcher to adjust parameters like speed, slope, frequency, shock voltage at the beginning.

One of the exclusive capabilities of the treadmill is that it can be built with 5,10 or 20 lines. adjusting Initial speed, final speed and acceleration time enables the user to conduct various tests. Full automation of the device makes the accuracy higher. Several consecutive tests can be conducted.

Another exclusive option of bionic mobin treadmill is that 3 researcher can work consecutively. Memory of the device can record each test separately with the name of the researcher.

Laboratory rat treadmill capabilities:

the tilt slider is adjustable from -20 ° to + 20 ° .

The speed of the machine is adjustable from 1 meter per minute to 70 meters per minute.

Equipped with a touchscreen.

Equipped with a shocker at the beginning of the adjustable track from 100 V to 700 V .

Customizable for 3 different users .

The ability to program the device speed and the initial speed and the final speed and the time to reach the final speed .

The ability to set multiple successive programs with the ability to adjust speed, gradient, shock and acceleration for each individual program Equipped with autocalibration tilt .

Can be set manually for training tests for all parameters.

The standard 5 Lane and 10 Lynn Sto devices can be ordered in more and less lanes The tray can be ordered.

Highly durable metal chassis with movable lockable pedestals.

Shock rods with standard distances and transparent doors and high-quality conveyors with a robust permanent working motor and a powerful electric power jack of the machine are the unique advantages of this device.

One year warranty and 5 years after-sales service for Kimia Tours Mobin








آخرین به‌روز رسانی: مرداد ۲, ۱۳۹۸

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